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God's Mini-me

If there is any area in your life that is not the way it should be, not aligned with the divine plan, purpose, and perfect will of God, then you need to do everything you can to get it right. Start now. If you don’t know what God’s divine plan is, then read the Bible, where his plan is carefully laid out for you. If you are honest with yourself, you know what you are doing that you should not be doing and what you are not doing that you should be doing. Salvation is very simple: God made us in his image; we sinned and messed that up, then God sent Jesus to redeem us from our sins and convert us back to his image. It’s not enough to say you are converted, you have to actually be converted, which means transformed into a mini-me for him. You belong to God. You were created by God to serve a purpose for God and your life is borrowed from God for that purpose. Make sure your life portrays the brand of the One who designed it. He wants you to increase your expectations.

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