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Back to School

I love school. When I was in 3rd grade, I had a big, thick workbook with almost a hundred pages of math problems. My teacher said I had the whole school year to work through it, page by page, step by step, one problem at a time. Each day, she made our class take out our workbooks for extra practice. She admonished us to take our books home and keep working on the problems. Now, decades later, I still have that workbook. It’s a reminder that hard work pays off. If you want change, success, and growth in your personal life, you must be willing to work for it. Beyond the classroom and beyond church, you must be committed to getting your individual work done and solving personal problems. There will always be another lesson to learn, another challenge to overcome, another problem to work through. Start working on who you are and who you are becoming. Do your homework so you can increase your expectations.

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